You know what? F**k you.
Yep. I just heard Drew & Mike on the radio suggest that because Al Quaeda attacked the US on 9/11, Bush invaded Iraq, and was justified in doing so. F**K YOU. Anyone who believes that Iraq planned 9/11, F**K YOU. If you think that all Middle Easterns or Muslims are the exact same. F**K YOU. Guess what, Bush wanted to invade Iraq BEFORE 9/11. Please take a moment and pull your head out of your ass so I can give you an important message... F**K YOU. I'm not trying to be persuasive here, and I know that most Americans want out of Iraq. I get that public opinion is swaying. But the majority of those people are just tired of the news of the death of the boring monotony of it all. I guarantee that if we are attacked or given a fresh target people will light up again. Oh, CHINA attacked us? We're supposed to hate the Chinese now? Neat! F**K YOU