I am not a jihadist
Just to clear things up, the video below is not a parody of jihadists destroying American Military vehicles and killing American soldiers. It is simply me blowing up a Dora the Explorer van that was re-called due to lead based paint. It is funny. And the music is funny. And it resembles an al-Qaeda video. I could put that music behind my kid swinging on some monkey bars and that would be funny too. stay tuned.
8:32 AM
Hi Dr. Mobey,
I missed my back alley gyno appoinment with you yesterday because I thought you were behind White Castle, but you weren't. Can I reschedule?
9:17 AM
Umm, you also missed your yearly Dental appointment. Please re-schedule, this is my 'busy time'
10:12 AM
Oh shoot, it that why my breath smells like cat food?