My Mom sent me the following link Political Compatibility, and after making sure that my Mom didn't send a virus or a porn site to me I clicked on it.
I'm a Kucinich. Mr. Fred Thompson is my least compatible life partner. The problem is that the candidates don't go out on a limb to explain the broad issues that they support or oppose. For instance I don't support ANY government funding of bio fuel or ethanol research...does this mean that I hate hippies? No. I am actually basing my decision on the fact that if the US dedicated 100% of it's corn and wheat crops and converted that into bio fuel or ethanol it would still only offset the need for oil by 7%. So I am in favor of government funding for every other alternative that may be viable. At this point it looks like we'll all get a boat and a personal penguin to care for after the ice caps melt anyway...what was the question?
My Mom sent me the following link Political Compatibility, and after making sure that my Mom didn't send a virus or a porn site to me I clicked on it.
I'm a Kucinich. Mr. Fred Thompson is my least compatible life partner. The problem is that the candidates don't go out on a limb to explain the broad issues that they support or oppose. For instance I don't support ANY government funding of bio fuel or ethanol research...does this mean that I hate hippies? No. I am actually basing my decision on the fact that if the US dedicated 100% of it's corn and wheat crops and converted that into bio fuel or ethanol it would still only offset the need for oil by 7%. So I am in favor of government funding for every other alternative that may be viable. At this point it looks like we'll all get a boat and a personal penguin to care for after the ice caps melt anyway...what was the question?