Sigur Ros Hvarf-heim reviewed
Critical darlings Sigur Ros released their newest album this year. I had the dual pleasure of listening to and downloading the music from's new digital download service. Amazon's service is fast, smooth and incredibly simple, dropping tunes right into iTunes or Windows Media Player (if you're an asshole and use WMP) Besides the incredibly easy downloading the songs are DRM free and the albums are about a dollar cheaper than iTunes. Awesome, right?
On to my review of the new songs from Sigur Ros. Sigur Ros is from Iceland and they sing in a made up language called Dreamlandic. Cute. My review is just two words: Shit sandwich.
If you can get past the first track, where they apparently held a microphone up to a cat that they were alternately water-boarding and squeezing to make a sound that not only hurts the ears but literally burns your soul, if you can get past that, then the rest of the songs are like a male version of Enya, only shittier. Listen to it before you go to bed to insure that you'll have dreams where the Boston Philharmonic is comprised entirely of John Tesh clones who are hellbent on killing you and eating your genitals. Other than that it's a fine album.