Friday, November 30, 2007 by Brett Mobey
The Vertipod is like a flying hotel baggage cart, only a lot more dangerous. Fueled by gasoline or ethanol (the pointless gasoline)the thing uses a lawnmower engine to propel you fifteen feet above all of the people who are hoping to film your death and post it on YouTube. It flies at
40 mph(It would be a lot cooler if it flew NPH.) ---->
The Vertipod's creator, Pete Bitar is going to charge you $10,000 for a kit so you can build one of these. No word as of yet if it is covered by Allstate.
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by Brett Mobey
Last night my friend Dave and I (Dave doesn't have a blog god bless him) were over at
One World Market in Novi enjoying some of the best Sushi this side of Clawson. Dynamite baked fish appetizer is possibly the best food I have ever eaten, and I once ate an entire deep fried cow stuffed with barbecue chickens.
Dynamite is basically this:
Spicy Mayonnaise
Salmon Roe
Small amount of some sort of cheese
A piece of every fish in the entire restaurant
OctopusF'ng delicious. And then for the main course? Spicy tuna roll and Salmon skin roll. I also ate one of Dave's shrimp tempuras. A side note, I have not consumed any sort of Tempura after the alarming
Tempura Incident in 2005. My wife and I were eating at
Sushi Ko in Farmington hills and I ordered some veggie and shrimp Tempura. It tasted like garbage that had been put into another pile of garbage. I very nearly vomited. My wife still made me pay for the meal. I almost punched the waitress and killed the chef. With chopsticks.
But the Tempura at One World Market was smooth and buttery with a satisfying crunch. And I didn't have to pay for it.
After the meal I headed next door to a random Japanese store where I was stared at by the proprietor like I was a Zaku entering an Earth Federation ship. they had a boatload of Gundam models which I have been collecting like they are going out of style...which they are. I hesitated then decided not to fufill my
Otaku needs. I already have some Evangelions and a
Gundam HCM Pro Acguy principality of Zeon model on the way. (you have no idea of how many words that spellcheck just flagged WTF is an Acguy!?)
So, enjoy the weekend, I know I will, I'm putting together a Master Grade Gundam RX-78 Mark II. My wife will not be happy.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007 by Brett Mobey
Here it is, after much anticipation, Dr. Mobey's review of the
Kindle e-book reader.
What a piece of crap.
It looks like an Apple IIgs took a shit.
I have a better idea. BUY A BOOK.
Better yet, go to a Library and get a book for free.
Nobody wants to be bogged down with a site specific gadget that is basically a DRM brick...
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007 by Brett Mobey
My Mom sent me the following link
Political Compatibility, and after making sure that my Mom didn't send a virus or a porn site to me I clicked on it.
I'm a Kucinich. Mr. Fred Thompson is my least compatible life partner. The problem is that the candidates don't go out on a limb to explain the broad issues that they support or oppose. For instance I don't support ANY government funding of bio fuel or ethanol research...does this mean that I hate hippies? No. I am actually basing my decision on the fact that if the US dedicated 100% of it's corn and wheat crops and converted that into bio fuel or ethanol it would still only offset the need for oil by 7%. So I am in favor of government funding for every other alternative that may be viable. At this point it looks like we'll all get a boat and a personal penguin to care for after the ice caps melt anyway...what was the question?
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